Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daisy and Celery Experiment, What Will Happen?

Day 1 of Celery and Daisy Experiment

Our class put a daisy and a stalk of celery in water dyed with red food coloring.

Class Predictions
What will happen to the daisy and the celery? 
1. Flower and Celery wil die

2. Flower and Celery will change color
3. Flower and Celery will stay the same

Day 2 Daisy and Celery Experiment

Day 2 Daisy-  Notice the pinkish color of petals

Day 2 Celery. The celery on the right was in the red colored water. 
The celery on the left was in the fridge.

Student Generated Questions/Comments to think about
Raoul- The leaves look shriveled on the daisy, why?
Kimberly- How did the red/pink color get up there?
Olive- We need to get to the bottom of this!!

More Student Predictions?
It will keep getting more red!
It may keep shriveling up.

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